How do I add UTM parameters to a link?

Learn more about why UTM parameters are important for marketing links and how to add them to your links using the Dub UTM Builder.

Steven Tey

Written by Steven Tey

UTM (short for Urchin Tracking Module) parameters are great for marketing links because they provide detailed tracking and analytics. Here’s why:

  • Source Identification: They specify the source of traffic (e.g., Facebook, Google), helping to identify which platforms are driving traffic.
  • Campaign Tracking: They track specific marketing campaigns, allowing marketers to evaluate the effectiveness of each campaign.
  • Medium Differentiation: They distinguish between different types of marketing mediums (e.g., email, social media, PPC).
  • Content Performance: They track different content pieces within a campaign, providing insights on what content resonates best with the audience.
  • ROI Measurement: They help in calculating the return on investment (ROI) for different marketing efforts.

Dub's UTM Builder

To make it easier to add UTM parameters to your links, Dub provides a UTM builder that allows you to easily populate UTM parameters for your links. Here's a live demo that you can play around with.

Here are the UTM parameters that Dub supports:

UTM Sourceutm_sourceThe source of your traffic (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, etc.).
UTM Mediumutm_mediumThe medium of your traffic (e.g. social, email, etc.).
UTM Campaignutm_campaignThe name of your campaign (e.g. summer2023)
UTM Termutm_termThe term of your campaign (e.g. running+shoes)
UTM Contentutm_contentThe content of your campaign (e.g. logo+link)
ReferralrefThe website that is sending traffic to your link.

As you can see, we also support an increasingly common parameter ref – as popularized by sites like Product Hunt and OSS Gallery.

How to use the Dub UTM Builder

To use the Dub UTM builder, follow these steps:

Scrolling down to the UTM Builder section, toggle the switch to open the UTM builder.

Use the UTM builder to populate UTM parameters for your links
Use the UTM builder to populate UTM parameters for your links

Here, you can populate the UTM parameters for your link. Some example values include:

  • UTM Source: twitter
  • UTM Medium: social
  • UTM Campaign: summer2023

Click the Create link button to generate the link with the UTM parameters.

Voila! You've got a link with UTM parameters.

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