Filtering and visualizing your analytics by UTM parameters

Learn how to create powerful campaign-specific reports for your links by filtering your analytics by their respective UTM tags.

Steven Tey

Written by Steven Tey

On Dub, you can filter your analytics by UTM parameters. This allows you to create powerful campaign-specific reports for your links.

For example, you're leveraging our UTM templates feature to create standardized UTM parameters for your team to use in their marketing campaigns, you'd want a way to see how each of these UTMs are performing in your Analytics tab.

With our UTM Parameters tab, you can easily see how each of your UTM parameters are performing in real time.


You can also filter your analytics by a specific UTM parameter that you'd like to create a custom report for:

In the Analytics tab of your Dub workspace, click on the Filter button to open the filter dropdown:

Analytics filter dropdown
Analytics filter dropdown

You can also use the F keyboard shortcut to quickly open the filter dropdown.

Select the UTM Source option in the dropdown to open the tags filter:

Analytics UTM source dropdown
Analytics UTM source dropdown

If you're looking to filter by other UTM parameters, you can select them accordingly in the main filter dropdown.

Finally, click on the UTM source you want to filter by:

Filtered analytics by UTM source
Filtered analytics by UTM source

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