How to manage your links in bulk

Learn how to speed up your link management workflow with bulk link actions.

Steven Tey

Written by Steven Tey

At Dub, we understand that "time is money".

Imagine you've created a dozen links for a marketing campaign, but you realized that you forgot to assign them to a tag when creating them.

Instead of manually tagging them in the link builder, what if you could tag all of them at once?

With bulk link actions, you can do exactly that.

To select a link, hover over the logo of the link and click on it. A check mark will show up in lieu of the link logo, and a selection toolbar will appear at the bottom of your screen:


You can also select multiple links at once with SHIFT + CLICK:

Then, once you've selected your links, you can use the toolbar to perform bulk actions on the selected links:


Hitting ESC deselect all currently selected links.

Here's a list of all supported bulk link actions, along with their respective keyboard shortcuts:

Tagging multiple linksT
Moving multiple links to the same folderM
Enabling/disabling conversion tracking for multiple linksC
Archiving multiple linksA
Deleting multiple linksX

Are there any other bulk link actions you'd like to see? Let us know!

You can also manage links in bulk using the Dub API.

Here are a few things you can do with the API:

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