How to filter between QR code scans and link clicks

Learn how to filter between QR code scans and link clicks in your Dub analytics.

Steven Tey

Written by Steven Tey

On Dub, you can filter between QR code scans and link clicks in your Dub analytics. This lets you understand how people are finding your links.

Here's how you can do that:

Click on the Analytics tab in the navigation menu of your Dub workspace.

Then, click on the Filter button to open the filter dropdown:

Analytics filter dropdown
Analytics filter dropdown

Click on the Trigger option to filter between QR code scans and link clicks.

Analytics trigger filter
Analytics trigger filter

Lastly, click on the Link click or QR Scan option to filter by QR code scans or link clicks:

Filtered analytics by QR code
Filtered analytics by QR code

Voila! You have successfully filtered your analytics by either QR code scans or link clicks.

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