1. Prerequisites

To follow this guide, you will need to:

2. Install and initialize the Dub PHP SDK



To install the Dub PHP SDK, run the following command:

composer require dub/dub-php


In your .env file, add your Dub API key:


In your config/services.php file, add the following:

'dub' => [
  'api_key' => env('DUB_API_KEY'),


You can now create an instance of the Dub class and pass in your API key:

use Dub\Dub;
use Dub\Components\Security;

$security = new Security(config('services.dub.api_key'));
$dub = Dub::builder()->setSecurity($security->token)->build();

// create a link

Service Container (Optional)

If you want to be able to inject the Dub class via the service container, add this to the register method of your AppServiceProvider.php:

$this->app->bind(Dub::class, function ($app) {
  $security = new Security($app['config']->get('services.dub.api_key'));

  return Dub::builder()->setSecurity($security->token)->build();

You can then inject the authenticated Dub instance throughout your application:

use Dub\Laravel\Dub;

class LinkController extends Controller {
  public function createLink(Dub $dub) {
    // Now you can use the SDK instance

Let’s create a short link using the Dub Laravel SDK.

use Dub\Models\Operations;

class LinkController extends Controller {
  public function createLink() {
    $dub = new Dub();

    try {
      $request = new Operations\CreateLinkRequestBody(
        url: 'https://google.com'

      $response = $dub->links->create($request);

      if ($response->linkSchema !== null) {
        // handle response
  } catch (Throwable $e) {
    // handle exception

Optionally, you can also pass an externalId field to associate the link with a unique identifier in your own system.

use Dub\Models\Operations;

class LinkController extends Controller
    public function createLinkWithExternalId()
        $dub = new Dub();

        try {
            $request = new Operations\CreateLinkRequestBody(
                url: 'https://google.com',
                externalId: '12345'

            $response = $dub->links->create($request);

            if ($response->linkSchema !== null) {
                // handle response
        } catch (Throwable $e) {
            // handle exception

This will let you easily update the link or retrieve analytics for it later on using the externalId instead of the Dub linkId.

The Dub Laravel SDK provides a method to upsert a link – where an existing link is updated if it exists, or a new link is created if it doesn’t.

use Dub\Models\Operations;

class LinkController extends Controller
    public function upsertLink()
        $dub = new Dub();

        try {
            $request = new Operations\UpsertLinkRequestBody(
                url: 'https://google.com'
            $response = $dub->links->upsert($request);

            if ($response->linkSchema !== null) {
                // handle response
        } catch (Throwable $e) {
            // handle exception

This way, you won’t have to worry about checking if the link already exists when you’re creating it.

To update an existing link using the Dub Laravel SDK, you can either use the link’s linkId or externalId.

use Dub\Models\Operations;

class LinkController extends Controller
    public function updateLink()
        $dub = new Dub();

        try {
            $request = new Operations\UpdateLinkRequest();
            $request->linkId = 'cly2p8onm000cym8200nfay7l';
            $request->requestBody = new Operations\UpdateLinkRequestBody();
            $request->requestBody->url = 'https://google.us';

            $response = $dub->links->update($request);

            if ($response->linkSchema !== null) {
                echo $response->linkSchema->shortLink;
        } catch (Throwable $e) {
            // handle exception

You can also retrieve analytics for a link using the Dub Laravel SDK.

use Dub\Models\Operations;

class LinkController extends Controller
    public function retrieveAnalytics()
        $dub = new Dub();

        try {
            $request = new Operations\RetrieveAnalyticsRequest();
            $request->linkId = 'clmnr6jcc0005l308q9v56uz1';
            $request->interval = Operations\Interval::SevenD;
            $request->groupBy = Operations\GroupBy::Timeseries;

            $response = $dub->analytics->retrieve($request);

            if ($response->oneOf !== null) {
                // Handle the response
        } catch (Throwable $e) {
            // handle exception

7. Examples