With Dub Analytics, you can track leads and sales conversions on your website, enabling you to measure the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.


This quick start guide will show you how to get started with Dub Analytics on your website.


Install package

Using the package manager of your choice, add the @dub/analytics to your project.


Initialize package in your code

If you are using a React framework, you can use the <Analytics /> component to track conversions on your website.

E.g. if you’re using Next.js, you can add the <Analytics /> component to your root layout component or any other pages where you want to track conversions.

import { Analytics as DubAnalytics } from '@dub/analytics/react';

export default function RootLayout({
}: Readonly<{
  children: React.ReactNode;
}>) {
  return (
    <html lang="en">
      <DubAnalytics />


You can pass the following props to the <Analytics /> component to customize the tracking script:

CookieOption Object
first-click | last-click
default: "last-click"

The attribution model to use for the analytics event. The following attribution models are available:

  • first-click: The first click model gives all the credit to the first touchpoint in the customer journey.
  • last-click: The last click model gives all the credit to the last touchpoint in the customer journey.

For example, to set a cross domain cookie that works on the apex domain (domain.com) as well as subdomains (app.domain.com):

import { Analytics as DubAnalytics } from "@dub/analytics";

    domain: process.env.IS_PRODUCTION_ENV
      ? ".yourdomain.com" // for cross-domain tracking
      : undefined,

Alternatively, to set a first-click attribution model:

import { Analytics as DubAnalytics } from "@dub/analytics";

<DubAnalytics attributionModel="first-click" />;


We also have some advanced examples on GitHub: