Whether you are using Dub’s API or not, this page is a quick way to understand how Dub works.
Within Dub, all data belongs to a Workspace . Within a workspace, you have Links , Domains , Tags , and more.
Workspaces is the defacto way of organizing your links and working with your team on Dub. You can think of a Dub workspace like a workspace on Slack or Discord – it’s a shared space where you can invite your team members to collaborate on links.
When interacting with Dub’s API, you’ll also need to create a workspace API key to authenticate your requests.
The unique ID of the workspace.
The name of the workspace.
The slug of the workspace.
The logo of the workspace.
The usage of the workspace.
The usage limit of the workspace.
The links usage of the workspace.
The links limit of the workspace.
The domains limit of the workspace.
The tags limit of the workspace.
The users limit of the workspace.
The plan of the workspace.
The Stripe ID of the workspace.
The date and time when the billing cycle starts for the workspace.
The date and time when the workspace was created.
The role of the authenticated user in the workspace.
The role of the authenticated user in the workspace.
The domains of the workspace.
The domain of the workspace.
Indicates if the domain is the primary domain.
Links are the bread and butter of Dub. You can shorten any URL to a Dub link, which you can then share with your audience. Links can be created , updated , and deleted via the Dub API or the Dub dashboard .
The unique ID of the short link. Prefixed with link_
The domain of the short link. If not provided, the primary domain for the
workspace will be used (or dub.sh if the workspace has no domains).
The short link slug. If not provided, a random 7-character slug will be
The destination URL of the short link.
The full URL of the short link, including the https protocol (e.g.
Whether to track conversions for the short link.
The ID of the link in your database. If set, it can be used to identify the
link in future API requests (must be prefixed with ext_
when passed as a
query parameter). This key is unique across your workspace.
The ID of the tenant that created the link inside your system. If set, it can
be used to fetch all links for a tenant.
default: "false"
Whether the short link is archived.
The date and time when the short link will expire in ISO-8601 format.
The URL to redirect to when the short link has expired.
The password required to access the destination URL of the short link.
default: "false"
Whether the short link uses Custom Social Media Cards feature.
The title of the short link generated via api.dub.co/metatags. Will be used
for Custom Social Media Cards if proxy is true.
The description of the short link generated via api.dub.co/metatags. Will be
used for Custom Social Media Cards if proxy is true.
The image of the short link generated via api.dub.co/metatags. Will be used
for Custom Social Media Cards if proxy is true.
The custom link preview video (og:video). Will be used for Custom Social Media
Cards if proxy
is true. Learn more: https://d.to/og
default: "false"
Whether the short link uses link cloaking.
default: "false"
Whether to allow search engines to index the short link.
The iOS destination URL for the short link for iOS device targeting.
The Android destination URL for the short link for Android device targeting.
default: "false"
Whether the short link’s stats are publicly accessible.
The tags assigned to the short link.
The unique ID of the tag.
The IDs of the webhooks that the short link is associated with.
The comments for the short link.
The full URL of the QR code for the short link (e.g.
The UTM source of the short link.
The UTM medium of the short link.
The UTM campaign of the short link.
The UTM term of the short link.
The UTM content of the short link.
The user ID of the creator of the short link.
The workspace ID of the short link.
default: "0"
The number of clicks on the short link.
default: "0"
The number of leads the short link has generated.
default: "0"
The number of sales the short link has generated.
default: "0"
The total dollar amount of sales the short link has generated (in cents).
The date and time when the short link was last clicked.
The date and time when the short link was created.
The date and time when the short link was last updated.
The ID of the program the short link is associated with.
On Dub, you can add custom domains to create branded short links for better brand recognition. You can also set a primary domain for it to be used as the default domain for new links (both via the API and the dashboard).
The unique identifier of the domain.
default: false
Whether the domain is verified.
default: false
Whether the domain is the primary domain for the workspace.
default: false
Whether the domain is archived.
default: "https://dub.co/help/article/what-is-dub"
Provide context to your teammates in the link creation modal by showing them
an example of a link to be shortened.
The URL to redirect to when a link under this domain has expired.
The URL to redirect to when a link under this domain doesn’t exist.
The date the domain was created.
The date the domain was last updated.
The registered domain record.
The ID of the registered domain record.
The date the domain was created.
The date the domain expires.
Tags are a way to organize your links. You can add tags to your links to categorize them and make them easier to find. You can also filter analytics by tags to get a better understanding of how your campaigns are performing.
The unique ID of the tag.